Friday, April 10, 2009

self-portrait day ramble blah blah blah...

i saw lou barlow at landlocked today. i use the term "saw" loosely... i heard him and sometimes saw his fluffy hair and big, bad glasses between the heads of other people. it sounded beautiful, though, and my love for lou barlow has been reclaimed after a decade of having issues with him after an absolutely god-awful show in boulder, co, in, oh, 1998 or so. i've loved sebadoh, sentridoh, folk implosion, basically any incarnation of lou barlow since i was 15 years old (in other words, about half my life). and yet that one show really made it hard for me to listen to him much for, well, a long time. funny how that happens. the same thing happened after i saw cat power at pitchfork a couple of summers ago - i can't stand her anymore. so sad. but lou... oh, lou, it was just beautiful.


self portrait day: 4.9.09.
090409. self portrait day ahoy.


in knitting news, i am making this, and i am in love. i'm knitting it up in butterscotch, teal, and purple yarn (basically, the leftovers of my selbu modern hat). i'm making it extra long... which is a bitch, because i want it DONE. like, now.

in other news, i'm going to philadelphia and new york soon. i can't wait. i need a change of scenery, of company. don't get me wrong - i have excellent company here, and i love, love, love it. i just need... something else for a brief moment. about a year ago, i was traveling to europe all by my lonesome, and i think i'm hitting the point where it's "christie-epic-vacation" time. we'll see if this tides me over until i really can do epic vacation again/greece-croatia-italy-spain.

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