Tuesday, April 14, 2009

mustard, saffron, butterscotch, turmeric...

call it what you will, i've got a new, lacy top (partially) in that color. it makes me so happy. i think this is my new favorite knitted object.

this project was also entirely born of the internets. well, okay, a lot of them are, but it was also born out of someone ELSE bringing it to my attention on the internets. which i think is just rad. girl reads other girl's blog; girl sees pattern; girl thinks, "other girl would totally dig this;" other girl concurs heartily and jumps right in. and here we have the finished project. i just think that's cool - way to go, internets.

so i give you: the pegboard lace tunic!
090414. pleased as punch.

really the colors are more accurate in the WIP post below.
090414. pegboard lace tunic.

buttons! i couldn't for the life of me figure out the neckline and i was really partial to the tie top neckline anyway - so i sewed buttons along the top edge (because i thought they were cute), then partially sewed the tie on. i love it so, so much.
090414. hey, you.

and zee back.
090414. back of the pegboard lace tunic.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

OMFG that came out SO AWESOME! I can't understand how you whip these projects up in such a jiffy! Less than a week ago I told you about this and now, here it is in all it's awesomeness!