Sunday, December 4, 2011

days #3 and #4: 30 + 1 handknits...

ah, weekend. you may be my most favorite of all. saturday was full of christmas and finishing shopping and block printing and buying frames and framing and hanging said block prints and OMG THE LAST EPISODE OF THE WIRE. and egg nog ice cream. i made mashed potatoes for dinner and fell asleep watching the second in the die hard series. a truly great day, right?

the day #3 sweater du jour: Forecast by Stefanie Japel, knitted in july 2009. i don't know what i was thinking, knitting a wool, bobbly, cozy cardigan in my non-air conditioned little apartment in bloomington, in, in the middle of the summer. however, at this point i'm just glad i was thinking whatever it was i was thinking back then because this here sweater is wonderful at getting you through the midwestern winter.

well, i do distinctly remember thinking one thing: that i never wanted to knit another bobble again.
20111201. day 3: forecast.

due to the nature of the day (running errands/getting covered in ink at the print studio), jeans were a necessity.
20111201. day 3: forecast.

20111201. day 3: forecast.

today, i scrubbed the heck out of the house. we're talking counters, sinks, bathtub, toilet, walls, bookshelves, carpet... the works. i am very, very bad at cleaning on anything remotely close to what one could call a schedule. then i find that i live in a pigsty and must spend half the day scrubbing the heck out of the house (see above). at least i had my nutcracker suite pandora station to keep me company. i am also eternally grateful that my boyfriend a) likes to vacuum and b) seems to not mind the christmas music. now it's time for football and knitting and pizza. again... way to weekend it up a notch, us.

the day #4 sweater is a pattern of my own, knitted in march 2010: a candy striped button neck made using three or four different yarns leftover from other patterns. with the rain and cold and overall grayness outside, i thought dressing like a walking valentine was warranted. this is still one of my favorite sweaters, too - i remember being so amazed when i finished it and it actually FIT.
20111204. candy striped button neck.

20111204. candy striped button neck.

20111204. candy striped button neck.

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