Sunday, May 25, 2008

quick european update.

barcelona is awesome! it was most awesome, though, before i fell in a very slippery placa (placa catalunya, to be exact), landed on my face, and had to get one of my front teeth extracted at a 24-hour emergency dentist at 5 in the morning. that was thursday night/friday morning. i look quite funny now and am on antibiotics. i have one fierce smile, and iºve taken tons of pictu res of it so far. one big gap surrounded by two very chipped teeth. iºm not even letting myself think about the dental work iºll have to get when i get back to the states. *cringe.*

this keyboard is awful.

in a few short hours, i will be heading to estacio franca para el tren a paris anoche. iºve gotten really good with my spanish this trip, and iºm not ready to leave a country where i can sort of get by with the language. one thing i love about barcelonians - they let you practice your span ish on them and are totally gracious about it. before i lost my tooth, i was chatting it up with these two guys in a bar. quite fun. as far as language goes, paris will be a different story altogether.

parle vous anglais? that will be my standby, sadly.

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