Saturday, November 10, 2007

creativity of the clothes-horse variety...

i know, this is totally not craft-related, but i had to share my new finds. and clothes and creativity are a beautiful thing when melded together, no? yes!

thomas and i took a little trip to the outlet mall about 45 minutes away from here. i can't believe i have lived here for 4 years and have never been there. it's probably a good thing i haven't, actually. my pocketbook may hurt even more than it already does.

dress from banana republic - only $30. holy crap. i love, love, love this dress.
071110. banana republic dress.

so. stinkin. cute.
071110. banana republic dress.

071110. banana republic dress.

j. crew jeans (that i actually feel cute in) - 1/2 off, so they were a whopping $35!
071110. j. crew jeans, blue sweater.

i've got to get them hemmed (just folded up right now with an old-ish pair of nine west shoes).
071110. j. crew jeans.

me and the boombox-cat and my new clothes.
071110. j. crew jeans, blue sweater.

they fit perfectly, but the crotch does a weird puckery thing. i hope that stops as i wear them - i think it will? maybe?
071110. j. crew jeans, blue sweater.

orange banana republic shirt for $13! crazy good.
071110. orange banana republic shirt.

awesome j. crew kick pleat skirt.
071110. black skirt, blue sweater. j. crew.

and for kicks - just your standard myspace-y photo.
071110. black skirt, blue sweater. j. crew.

in knitting news, i started a new project - a lace weight version of nereides in sort of electric/psychedelic variegated yarn. will post photos soon!

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