Thursday, December 29, 2011

days #27, #28, and #29: 30 + 1 handknits project...

this is a very exciting day in the so bro homestead (that's "so(uth) bro(ad) ripple," for those not from indianapolis). i must depart from our regularly scheduled 30+1 handknits project installation to share this news. frankly, i'm so excited about it that i kind of feel the need to wet myself or run around the house for a while, bouncing off the walls.

see, we've been talking about getting chickens for a while. you know, the clucking, cooing, egg laying variety to eat bugs, poop all over our yard, till our soil, and give us the most delicious eggs we'll probably ever eat. i even got TWO, count 'em TWO chicken-rearing books for christmas. i figured i'd read about them, line up housing for them, and eventually order a handful for rearing later in the spring.

so a couple of days ago, i leisurely contacted a local fellow who makes coops, only to be told that he has so many orders for the spring that he wouldn't be able to get us one before may. SOB! he's a super nice fellow who has been contracted to make 11 coops for area schools - check him out at the urban coop on craiglist.

back to the story - i asked him if we can at least get in the chicken queue now and, rather than receiving bad "i'm way too busy for one man building chicken coops for a living to handle right now" news, i get a message back that we will actually be able to have our very own chicken coop by january 3 or 4! complete with wheels and wire across the bottom of the attached chicken yard!

two hours later, i've ordered us two black australorps, one buff orpington, and one ameraucana, to arrive in a little peeping express mail bundle the week of march 19. and here i am, basking in the glow of chickens to come. BABIES!

now, however, let's get back to the final days of the 30+1 handknits project. it really has gone too fast, although i'm finally running out of my own handknitted sweaters, dresses, skirts, and vests to wear for this project. i guess i need to get to finishing up some half finished knits stat! i have two more days to go still.

12/27/2011. day #27, Mystic Pullover by Melissa LaBarre, completed december 2011. here we have my most recently completed sweater, done and still drying from blocking right as we left for the holidays. we also got our first real snow - a white christmas, two days late (and apparently everywhere around us had rain or a wintry mix... take THAT, wintry mix!).
20111227. day #27: Mystic Pullover by Melissa LaBarre

SNOW! big, fat flakes.
20111227. day #27: Mystic Pullover by Melissa LaBarre

although i love the idea of pockets in sweaters, they aren't the most flattering things. whatever - they are green and cozy and i love the ugly little buggers.
20111227. day #27: Mystic Pullover by Melissa LaBarre

12/28/2011. day #28, sophie by robin dodge. this is kind of sad, but i have absolutely zero information on this project. i usually save everything in my ravelry projects list, but i think i made this as such a throw away / boredom-induced / stash busting project that i never even entered it in as something i had completed. i rarely wear it, but i actually quite like its weird neckline and super soft yarn.
20111228. day #28: sophie by robin dodge

20111228. day #28: sophie by robin dodge

i also got new glasses! i can see again. amazing.
20111228. day #28: sophie by robin dodge

12/29/2011. day #29, Francis Revisited by Beth Silverstein, completed october 2010. this dress is one of my pride and joy projects. i used the pattern referenced and then just worked my decreases and increases to create waist and booty shaping, added a cable down each side, and knit, knit, knit. as you can imagine, it's quite warm - perfect snow bunny dress for the winter.

i also happen to be standing in front of my NEWLY ORGANIZED craft and sweater wardrobe. this might not sound like a big deal to some, but it took me literally an entire day to reorganize all of my yarn and craft goodies. ah, vacation, how do i love thee? let me count the ways...
20111229. day #29: Francis Revisited by Beth Silverstein

just being silly yet again.

20111229. day #29: Francis Revisited by Beth Silverstein

20111229. day #29: Francis Revisited by Beth Silverstein


Heather B. said...

so cute! I LOVE.

famousthecat said...

Thanks so much, Heather! It's been a fun journey. :)