Thursday, September 23, 2010

violently happy...

things are good! i may have a freelance gig, which is uber cool. i'm going to squirrel all that extra moola into a "christie fun fund." or maybe a "greece or croatia or italy or istanbul or germany or scotland or ireland fund." or a "moving on up to the east side fund."

and there are tons of other things i love, like my ridiculous cat and his lazy tongue:
100922. boombox and his tongue.

going to see shows and loving the opening band even more than the headliner. here's s. carey, who was amazing on tuesday here in sleepy bloomington.

nasa declaring last night's harvest moon "extra harvesty." see: the nasa blog.
100922. "extra harvesty" harvest moon (according to nasa).

100922. "extra harvesty" harvest moon (according to nasa).

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