Sunday, September 12, 2010

things i like, the recap...

i haven't done one of these in a while! things i have liked as of late: knitting ridiculous garments of clothing with leftover yarn.
100909. i am knitting a ridiculous sweater.

whales named mr. splashy pants!
100911. mr. splashy pants!

collecting wrist bands.
100911. indianapolis. post-bike get-together, at which i collected wrist bands.

grand monuments you can climb to the top of.
100911. soldiers and sailors monument. look at the little ships way up there!

finishing sweaters.
100908. printed silk cardigan.

camping with my nephew who doesn't, in fact, hate me (he was in need of a nap here... really).
100906. last morning!

washington state. i want to hike the pacific crest trail now.
100905. hike to the pct.

reflections on clear, clear water.
100906. our last morning. takhlakh lake, wa.

did i mention i think my nephew is the cutest thing on two legs?
100903. kisses for ben at mt. adams.

also... the tulip train trestle.
100828. rail walking.

20100828. shadows and bright, bright light.

also also, i don't have pictures of these things, but: seeing four moons of jupiter using binoculars. hanging out with neighbors on stoops, talking about movies. watching the international space station zoom past overhead. watching planet earth on impromptu sleeping bags on the living room floor. breakfast burritos. and cuddling.

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