finally! a finished object of the knitting persuasion! i've been working on so many little things that i haven't actually finished anything in quite a while. this guy was knitted up from my own head. it started as a cowl, then i realized i a) had a lot more yarn than was needed for a cowl, b) it would be REALLY ITCHY on the neck, and c) it was screaming out to be some sort of sweater instead. so i ripped it all out and went for it.
i knit it initially with the thought that the outside would be the inside - but then i decided the reverse stockinette showed off the funky yarn a lot better than plain old stockinette, so i went inside out with it. purty.
the length - a short little sweater for wearing over other things. maybe dresses, too. that'd be a good look, don't you think?
in other news, we had a lovely fall LUPEC yesterday (that's "ladies united for the preservation of endangered cocktails"). look at these lovely ladies (and this is only a small fraction of the awesomeness).
natasha took some glamour shots. i like this one.