in knitting news, i have undertaken the rather ambitious project of making my mom and dad a sweater each. i'm not so worried about mom's - i'm making the february lady sweater in a crisp, light yellowy-green. it reminds me of lettuce a little bit. i think the pattern will be fairly forgiving as far as sizing goes, so no prob, right? that's what i'm hoping, at least. i'm nearing the end of the body and only had one slight mess up, caused by bringing in to craft night at christian's house and somehow losing my place in the lace pattern.
my dad's sweater makes me a bit more nervous. i've never made a sweater of any sort for a man. i'm going to keep it simple, stupid, and either go with the vanille pattern or the seamless hybrid. the yarn came in the mail the other day - a dark forest green heathered wool. the color, at least, will be gorge.
i also FINALLY finished and sent off jes' san diego-friendly hat (using the pi topper chemo hat pattern). god, i don't know what my mental block on that one was, i just couldn't seem to get it done and in the mail. but here be it:
i love the way the top of the hat turns out with this pattern. ceeeyute.
also? i've recently gotten addicted to sol seppy, specifically this song. sol seppy was in sparklehorse, who i also love and adore. so yeah, here's the musical pick of the day: sol seppy, "move."