Thursday, August 7, 2008

movers and shakers...

i am all moved out of my old place, which was right up the stairs from my new, far more awesome, far more cool (both coolness-related and temperature-related) place a story down. yes, that was a little redundant.

so i've been busy. but i've also been decompressing at night by knitting (because, hey, that's what i do). in short, i decided i should share.

first, craftiness of a different variety. bedroom color before, an ugly, sterile mint green:
080802. my house has been taken over by an army of boxes!

bedroom color after, a warm, buttery yellow that will make me feel better about life even in the dead of winter:
080803. new paint job.

and now on to the knitting! i decided i had to make the blush deep scoopneck tank/vest. and, yup, i pretty much love it.
080807. proud owner of a brand new vest.

this was also my first try at intarsia. go, me! it worked out really well, and i am no longer afraid. huzzah. look at how pretty!
080807. tanky!

and look - i've even managed to get some stuff on the walls!
080807. first try at intarsia.


Siena said...

Cool vest - such great fitting and neck shape!

Jen Fu said...

Wow. That sweater is great. I am really going to have to start knitting someday.